SOC Case Study - Data Center/Secure Application Host

主要联系人: Eric M. 莱特注册会计师,ctp

Schneider Downs completed a Service Organization Control (SOC) report for a leading provider of scalable and secure application hosting, virtualization and data center solutions.

The client services businesses across the United States, while maintaining technical certifications and partner relationships with Microsoft, VMWare, EMC, 思杰系统, 思科和利伯特. A senior engineer shared his thoughts on working with Schneider Downs on the SOC Report.

Why did you want a Service Organization Control (SOC) Report?data-center-secure-application-host-soc-report-ssae-16

We manage a vast number of clients and their data. We felt that we needed to have controls in place so our customers know that we are providing the services we say we are, and following the procedures we have in place. Some of our customers fall under Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), and having a Type II SOC report over our managed data center services also helped with their SOX compliance.

Why did you choose to partner with Schneider Downs for your SOC report?

Schneider Downs was highly recommended by a local CPA we know and, 在与他们会面之后, 我们完全同意.

How long have you worked with Schneider Downs?

We have worked with Schneider Downs since 2009.

Can you describe your experience working with Schneider Downs?

和这家公司合作很愉快. The staff is very knowledgeable and helpful. They are always a phone call or email away, and their response time is great.

How has your SOC report process been beneficial?

We have been able to provide the report to our customers and put their minds at ease that their data is being protected. The SOC report process also has helped us internally identify risks that have now been mitigated by the procedures we put in place. 这保护了我们和我们的客户.



Schneider Downs employs a unique approach to SOC reports, integrating the expertise of information technology, internal audit and external audit professionals. By combining cross-disciplinary knowledge and project management expertise, we are able to effectively deliver on our clients' expectations. If you are interested in learning how we can assist your organization, please bet9平台游戏 to get started or learn more about our practice at

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