
杰森·米. Lumpkin qka®,aif®

Jason has more than 24 years of qualified retirement plan experience, 主要bet9平台游戏中端市场, 少数人持股企业. 他的背景包括规划设计, 文档报告, 参与者的教育, and ongoing administration for defined contribution plans, 包括员工持股计划.

Jason joined Schneider Downs in the 退休的解决方案 practice in January 2000. He currently serves as a Practice Unit Leader for SDAdvantage 退休的解决方案, 有限合伙人(SDARS),其职责包括客户关系, 新业务转换, SDARS备案平台的管理, 计划设计和合规咨询, 并计划改正.

He received his Qualified 401(k) Administrator (QKA) credential from the American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries (ASPPA) in 2011 and obtained his Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®) certification in 2017. In 2012, Jason was awarded the Martin Rosenberg Academic Achievement Award by ASPPA. The Award annually recognizes top performing ASPPA examination candidates on credentialed exams.


B.S. ——宾夕法尼亚印第安纳大学会计学专业


Member – American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries Department of Labor Subcommittee


I have always admired the inspiring speeches and leadership qualities of former President, John F. 肯尼迪.


If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your college self? 
I would tell myself to take some time to enjoy and appreciate the experience.

am an extremely picky eater (I can hear some snickers from those who know me).

My first job was working at a concession stand and maintaining tennis courts at a public park/playground.

你有“座右铭”吗?? (说或不说)
Admittedly, I stole this from Cosmo Kramer…”Without rules, there’s chaos!”

When you have an hour of free time, what do you like to do? 
Whenever I have free time, I will always default to a 历史 Channel documentary.

Work hard, care about your job, and take pride in your results.



大问题: 新兴技术 Client Unaware Of Sales Tax Requirements Upon Exit

大的思考: Perform Multi-jurisdictional Tax Exposure Analysis To Ensure Compliance

股东 特雷弗·沃伦 joined Schneider Downs in 2001 and has more than 20 years of experience in public accounting. 他主要专注于审计, 审查和汇编业务, 他bet9平台游戏于多个行业, 从汽车到非营利组织. He also leads the firm’s 新兴技术 bet9平台游戏 Group.
When one of the firm’s emerging technology clients was making plans to sell their business, Trevor and his team noticed that they were unaware of sales 税 filing requirements. Knowing from experience how complex such requirements can be for emerging technology companies who sell products across multiple 税ing jurisdictions, Trevor and his team understood that this missing piece would pose issues during due diligence and could negatively impact the client’s sale. 以确保交易顺利进行, Trevor and his team suggested that the Schneider Downs state and local 税 group perform a sales 税 nexus study on the company. The group performed an analysis on both the client’s material revenue streams and the sales 税 reporting requirements in the jurisdictions where they had customers. 然后, Trevor and his team used that information to estimate the client’s total 税 exposure, pinpoint the jurisdictions with significant exposure and help draft Voluntary Disclosure Agreements in those the jurisdictions. “We know that these requirements can be hard on early-stage companies when they have limited staff and revenue generation is a primary focus,特雷弗说。. “By doing this analysis and going through the voluntary disclosure agreement process, we were able to get the company compliant with their sales 税 filing requirements at a significantly reduced cost.” In addition, this process eliminated 税 issues and exposure for the company upon exit. Schneider Downs provides Big Thinking and Personal Focus in delivering a variety of services for large and small businesses, 公开和私人持有, 以及非营利组织, 政府机构等. Through our commitment to thought leadership and knowledge management, we deliver the solutions our clients need with a personal commitment to service.

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每一刻都很重要. 紧急请求, contact the Schneider Downs digital forensics and incident response team at 1-800-993-8937. 如有其他要求,请填写以下表格.


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