
杰森R. Staley cfa, caia®

Jason has worked in the financial services industry since 2007 advising ultra-high net worth families and institutions.  As Partner and Chief Investment Officer of the Personal 金融 bet9平台游戏 group, Jason leads the Schneider Downs 财富管理 Investment Committee and is entrusted with sources of new investment strategy opportunities and the ongoing maintenance and monitoring of the SDWMA Investment Platform.

While Jason’s vast investment knowledge certainly qualifies him to advise the high-net-worth individuals and families, 捐赠基金, and foundations at Schneider Downs 财富管理 Advisors, his commitment to the clients’ best interests and to their needs and goals are truly what sets him apart. 出于这个原因, he has additional responsibilities advising the clients of the Schneider Downs 私人家族办事处. 专门从事资产配置和投资组合建设, Jason assists clients in creating investment strategies customized to meet their specific goals and objectives.

杰森住在山上。. Lebanon, PA with his wife, Britt, and his daughters, Caroline and Claire. 他喜欢和家人在一起, 阅读政治传记和历史书籍, 看足球, 参加动感单车课程.


B.A. -智力研究, Ridge College of Intelligence Studies and Applied Sciences at Mercyhurst University


副主席- Portiuncula基金会
Board Member – American Cancer Society Pennsylvania Chapter
Voice of Hope – American Cancer Society, Pennsylvania Chapter


Reading history books and biographies (historical and contemporary), 默西赫斯特学院(我的母校), 治疗乳腺癌, 还有足球比赛.

Effort is the one thing you always have control over: outwork everyone.

My late mother who passed away on Valentine’s Day in 2004 after a 9.与乳腺癌和我父亲抗争了5年, 是谁教会我无条件地去爱, 珍惜你的家庭, 永不放弃, and fight until your last breath for those that you care about.

像我的英雄一样为克利夫兰布朗队效力, Bernie Kosar (who was 6-3-1 lifetime as starter for the Browns against the Steelers).

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your college self?   
趁此机会到圣. Petersburg, Russia – football will be waiting for you when you come back.

am a twin and that my twin brother, Brandon, is the head football coach for the Los Angeles Chargers.

What is the best or most interesting thing about your career?    
It happened almost by accident; a beer league softball game led to an interview at Lehman Brothers and a change of careers from intelligence/risk analysis to investments.


你有“座右铭”吗?? (说的或没说的):  

Spend time with my wife (Britt) and my two daughters, Caroline and Claire Bear. When they have had enough of their dad being around, I like to get out and go for a run.

声誉需要多年来建立,几秒钟就可以毁掉. 永远遵守你的诺言, 致力于成为一个终身学习者, 最重要的是成为一个伟大的队友.



大问题: 有限员工福利计划.

大的思考: 增加供款和保留员工.

股东 乔·布鲁斯 has more than 21 years of public accounting experience since joining Schneider Downs in 1996. He has expertise with a variety of clients including construction, 制造业, 零售, 石油和天然气工业, 以及员工福利计划.
One of Joe’s clients had a successful business and was interested in contributing more to their retirement accounts. 然而, the client was limited by the existing employee benefit plan structure and IRS contribution limitations on their existing structure. Joe’s team was familiar with the structure of their existing plan and offered to do an analysis of their options. “The Schneider Downs Retirement Plan Solutions Group suggested a cash balance plan and provided an analysis to the business owners which quantified the impact and provided options to allow the client to evaluate the direction they were most comfortable moving forward with.布鲁斯说. “The client elected to adopt the cash balance plan and was able to significantly increase contributions into the owners’ retirement accounts. This also enhanced the quality of the retirement benefits for their employees, 这反过来又有助于提高员工保留率.” Schneider Downs provides Big Thinking and Personal Focus in delivering a variety of services for large and small businesses, 公开和私人持有, 以及非营利组织, 政府机构等. Through our commitment to thought leadership and knowledge management, we deliver the solutions our clients need with a personal commitment to service.

有问题吗?? 问我们!

我们很乐意听到你的消息. Drop us a note, and we’ll respond to you as quickly as possible.


每一刻都很重要. 紧急请求, contact the Schneider Downs digital forensics and incident response team at 1-800-993-8937. 如有其他要求,请填写以下表格.


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