Don’t Overlook the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)


一般来说,每名合格雇员的最高抵免额为2400美元. Exceptions to this, 以及其他关于资格和申请此学分的常见问题, are detailed below.

For which employees may an employer claim the WOTC?


  • Veterans, including disabled veterans
  • 有需要家庭临时援助计划受助人
  • 补充营养援助计划(SNAP)的接受者
  • Recipients of Supplemental Social Security Income (SSI)
  • 以前被监禁过的人或以前被判重罪的人
  • 经批准的职业康复计划转介的个人
  • 被指定为授权地区或乡村更新县的居民
  • Individuals who are experiencing long-term unemployment
  • Individuals who are qualified summer youth employees

How is the WOTC calculated?

The WOTC is calculated based on qualified first-year wages, beginning on the day the employee starts work. The maximum amount that may be considered for WOTC is $6,000 per employee, with the following exceptions:

  • $1,200 for qualified summer youth employees
  • $12,000, $14,000 or $24,合资格退伍军人可获6,000元(视退伍军人的资格类别而定)

The credit is also available for up to $10,向长期TANF受助人发放的第二年合格工资中,可获拨出10,000元.


  • 对工作至少120小时但少于400小时的员工,给予第一年合格工资的25%
  • 工作至少400小时的员工,第一年合格工资的40%
  • 经证明长期领取家庭援助的雇员的第二年合格工资的50%.

What does an employer need to do to claim the WOTC?

On or before the day an employment offer is made, the employer and job applicant must complete Form 8850, 工作机会税收抵免的预筛选通知和证明请求. 从雇员入职之日起,雇主有28个日历日的时间将此表格提交给指定的当地代理机构. 请注意,个别州的劳动部门可能需要额外的表格来获得认证.

Once an employee is certified by the local agency, 在该年度内已支付或发生的合资格工资,可在雇主报税表上申报5884表格,以抵免, Work Opportunity Tax Credit.

Can an employer claim more than one wage-based credit?

雇主可以为同一名员工申请WOTC和另一种基于工资的信贷, 只要用于计算WOTC的工资与用于计算其他信贷的工资不同.



Is the WOTC a permanent tax credit program?

《bet9游戏平台》将WOTC延长至2025年12月31日. Under current law, 自1月1日起,已支付或已发生的工资将不再享有抵免, 2026.


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