
Super Bowl LVI featured a number of memorable electric vehicle (EV) ads featuring everything from a Sopranos reunion to electric puppies and even Dr. 邪恶实现企业统治. Seemingly every major auto manufacturer is featuring their new EV models. 

EVs are continuing to gain market share and are expected to surpass 30% of new U.S. 到2030年,美国汽车销量将再增加4%.S. 包括油电混合动力车在内的汽车销量. 该行业经历了快速增长:从美国的2%.S. 2020年汽车销量将降至去年的4%. 

For many potential buyers though, there remain concerns about finding available charging locations. 普通电动汽车的行驶里程不到300英里. This provides plenty of power for most commutes but can be a concern for long-distance trips and single-car households. Currently, there are only 41,000 public charging stations across the U.S., many of which are concentrated closely together - including over half in California. 

为了解决这一问题,美国政府采取了一系列措施.S. 国会包括了7美元.5 billion for EV charging stations as part of the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill that passed in November. 从这个数额中, $5 billion has been designated for states to build an EV charging network across the country and, 特别是, 横跨161,000英里的国家公路系统. 这项计划将覆盖全国大部分地区, 因为90%的美国人住在距铁路网5英里的范围内. A second grant-based program targeting rural and underserved communities will also begin this year. 

Combined, these programs plan to build half a million EV charging stations across the nation. 然而, the majority of these will likely be the “Level 2” slower chargers, which are currently much cheaper to install at roughly $2,000个充电器. The federal government is also in the process of prioritizing purchasing U.S. manufactured EVs for their fleet, which should continue to advance EV adoption. 

在接下来的几十年里, EVs will continue to grow as a percentage of the total vehicle population as more charging stations come online and technology reduces consumer purchase costs while improving vehicle range and reliability. 电动汽车包含大约20个活动部件, far less than the over 200 parts in traditional combustion engine vehicles, which could significantly reduce repair and maintenance costs over the vehicle’s life. Charging times will also continue to decline, making vehicles more attractive.

The adoption of EVs will have a significant impact on the Convenience Store (C-Store) industry. C-stores are long-term assets with decades of useful life. Each charge on-site provides an opportunity for an inside-store sale. C-store owners should continue to monitor their operating market and consider allocating space for EV charging locations. New store builds should also consider incorporating EV chargers during the initial construction or as an option for a second phase build over the next decade. 

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