The Value of Business Process Analysis in your Succession Plan

Are you planning to exit your business in the next 5-10 years? Have you thought about succession plans for your business? Large companies typically incorporate succession planning into their performance management process. 然而, small to medium sized businesses are often less prepared and less likely to have an established succession plan.

An adequate succession plan helps to prepare for a smooth transition to ensure that leadership or ownership changes don’t interrupt normal business operations or any major business initiatives underway. The transition plan may include the acquisition of new talent/management, 家族企业内部的过渡, 或者出售公司.

Smaller businesses are more likely to over-rely on specific individuals, 失去一个关键人物会产生广泛的影响. A key component in a small or mid-sized company’s transition process should include preserving institutional knowledge and identifying any skill gaps, which is essential if the same management team has been in place for an extended period of time.  

Whether business practices are newly developed or are long-standing within an organization, fresh eyes can help identify the existence of unmitigated risks and where improvements can be quickly realized, 在过渡之前. This can be accomplished through performance of a business process evaluation, 这包括评估业务的各个方面, 包括政策, 程序, 过程和控制, 以便提供变革性建议.

These recommendations serve to mitigate risks within the organization, 优化业务流程, 消除不必要的浪费和冗余. Business process evaluations are designed to assess an organization’s governance, risk management and compliance practices with a specific focus on assessing the processes and internal controls intended to safeguard assets, 正确核算收入和费用, and ensure strong governance is in place to ensure that the organization is adequately prepared and ready for the next phase of their transition plan.

A business process evaluation involves interviews of personnel, review of documentation and observation of business practices. Accounting activities and reporting processes are evaluated as they relate to the accurate capture and reporting of key financial and performance information. The objective of the review is to provide actionable observations and recommendations intended to enhance the organization's processes and internal control.  


Our team of risk advisory and information technology professionals assist our clients in optimizing and transforming their core business and information technology processes. 我们为客户的问题提供解决方案 风险保证和业务转换bet9平台游戏.

除了他们的技术专长, our professionals are Six Sigma trained and have extensive experience conducting assessments across diverse industries. Our approach is risk-based and delivered by a multi-disciplinary team. We add-value to our clients’ business by improving their business processes through adoption of best practices.

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